Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Every new season...

     So I am sitting here, looking out our dining area window, and reflecting over what has become a regular site for me. We live right across he street from a popular school, here, and each day when I wake I see parents drop kids off for their school day and come back to pick them up in the afternoon and head into the rush hour of getting home. However, as I am watching, I am perplexed by the emotions I am having. I am actually looking at these kids and thinking how cool the season is that they are in. Sure, they probably don't see it, and I really didn't either at their age. But still, a little excitement rises up in me- the beginning of a new school year; the beginning of many new opportunities; the beginning of new friendships; and, though they may not be thinking this at the moment, how all these things will be shaping them for the next season of their life. 
     I watch the kids get out of the cars in the morning and grab their backpack, with maybe some sporting gear or musical instruments, and head into the building that will be receiving the next 8 hours of their time. And that is what I am talking about, they are living life in that place in this season. Well, yes, this may seem like a Duh-factor, and no, I am not a stalker. But as I have been observing this new routine, I was realizing the impact that season of my life had on me, yet, in the moment, all I wanted to do was be done with it! And, really, it's sad when I think on it now. So often, we find ourselves in seasons where we are wishing ourselves out of the present and into the next, because surely it has got to be better than here and now. And, actually, I do hope the  surmountable seasons are better, but only because we go from "glory to glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18). We cannot experience the glory of tomorrow without allowing the glory for today.
     I am thankful as I reflect on my orchestra (dorkestra, at that time) memories of middle and high school and the experience of playing volleyball and all the teachers that I learned from and the relationships that I made during this time. I can never go back to this time, so their is no use for regret. Especially, if our Father says that He "works all things together for good" (Romans 8:28). And I have seen it! He has brought people and moments from past seasons just to reveal opportunities to me in the present.
    What's more, He continues to remind me of the significance in my life and all the seeds that have been sown along the way. I know that we often want to look back to the humiliation of grade school moments (basically the entirety of middle school that is known as awkwardness in all of its splendor..sike) and wish something was different and, unfortunately, it is usually ourselves... Yet, I am in a new season RIGHT NOW and I would not have been here without the happenings of yesterday. Of course, God- being Creator- is quite creative and could see fit for any circumstance, and the beauty is that the outcome will always be His goodness. Now, there most certainly are awful moments in each of our pasts and I know that my Father did not cause these things to happen, but He- also being the redeemer- will make something remarkable out of it, if we can allow ourselves to give it to him. I use the word "allow" much right now, because I truly do believe that we have a Father who is so completely and utterly eager to bless His children, but often times we are hovering over our things afraid to let go. And, well, God is Love. This means we will always have a choice and freedom and never force (1 Corinthians 13 illustrates this pretty well).
     Honestly, what I am getting at- as I am preaching His word to myself, in my way of external processing- is that I am finding myself in this place again. I am in, yet, another new season and still find myself saying "can't we just hurry through this one and get to the next, already?!"
Yet, the answer is no and this makes me smile. Because our Father loves us too much for us to wish away a season where He has sown a harvest for us to receive. There are blessings for today that allow us to understand the blessings for tomorrow. There really is a big picture, but each day is a piece.
Before our move out to California the Lord kept speaking to me about Job and I found this odd, but it was because I had been misperceiving Job's story. Job was only one tree in a forest. The happenings of his life and his family are interwoven into the story of all those that wrapped around him and his community at this point in time. Job's story plays into my present story. For this season is only one flower in the meadow that He has for me. And, if I truly challenge myself to look around, I can see these flowers budding even now in every open door before me that has allowed for a new opportunity.
I am an analogous speaker and so I apologize if you are not catching my vibe, but this processing is for me and if it speaks something to you, then more power to you.
For those that know me and have questions- yes, I still find myself missing Georgia, especially when I know that Fall (my favorite season) is coming, but it is almost more exciting seeing the beginning makings of a new season in a new place. Summer is a long season here, from what I hear, but I have seen some leaves changing already and it makes my heart all the more at rest to be in this place and taking in all that it has for me. We were made to grow. So while I could sit here and wish for tomorrow, I would hope that the makings of yesterday has shown me differently.
I have heard that it is best for our bodies and the earth if we eat only seasonal fruit, and I think there is more in that than just the aspect of groceries.

I have much to be thankFULL for here in this place. I have the , ever-present, love of an amazing family. I have a place to live. I have a job (which is apparently hard to find in Redding). I have a community of friends that continues to grow and opportunities, that I have never had before, are happening all around me. For instance, (the answer to the last post's cliffhanger) two weekends ago was my husband's birthday and I decided to surprise him by planning a camping trip to McArthur-Burney Falls State Park, then taking him hiking at Mt. Shasta. It was AWESOME! So, here are some of the splendiferous views and some easy and fun recipes!

(Disclaimer: These pictures may be pretty, but they could never do these sights justice!)

Off to see the Falls! And yes, the water is that cold! My feet went numb...

Just for a grid, that is a real person in the bottom center...

The trees were huge!
 He is getting a fire started for me to make one of my favorite stews, Quinoa and Butternut Squash!
Below, is all you will need and it is so simple! The greens are optional. I usually prefer them, but found they had gotten all wilty and yucky so they were left out.
 Stew/soup/stoup is always an easy camping meal. I will prove it in a few steps, or so!
Step 1: Melt 1 T. butter (or heat oil) over the fire.
Step 2: Add in 1/2 (or whole) diced onion, 2-3 cloves garlic, and 1-2 shallots (optional).
Step 3: Once golden and translucent (3-5 mins), add 1 can beans of choice (I used cannelini).
Step 4: Once heated through (2-3 mins), mash half of the beans to help thicken the stew.
Step 5: Add 1/2 c. quinoa and 2 c. cubed butternut squash with 1 bottled water.
Step 6: Place over heart of fire and bring to a boil, then add in one vegetable bouillon cube.
Step 7: Let simmer for about 15 mins, until quinoa is cooked and squash is tender.
Step 8: Serve in your favorite camping mug and enjoy! ;]

Breakfast time! Via saves the day with the coffee, but this girl needs some food!
I like to show off my handy toasting skills over our little stove! ha And for the fixings, we enjoy some almond butter with sliced bananas, sprinkled with some cinnamon and flax seed! Of course, there is always room for trail mix when camping! Simple yet satisfying!


Here are the lovely views of Mt. Shasta at nearly 15,000 ft. in altitude!
I had to take a couple breathers! ha

 Mike is obviously hiking like a pro...
 We found WhoVille! Also, you may have noticed Mike's favorite pose...

 He crushes mountains, while I move them! ;]

 Dinner at a popular spot in town called Shasta Pinnacle! Never had fried tofu good!
 And we are heading home into the sunset!

I made him gf/df/rsf brownies with an ice cream concoction and my shell chocolate sauce!
He loved it! You can get this fudgy brownie recipe here!
I made a few alternations, like subbing maple sugar for the granulated sugar and cacao nibs in place of the chocolate chips!

Thanks for reading and I hope you are inspired! ;]


  1. Ah, sweet Jessie, I miss you guys, not because I see you that much less but because now I know I won't run into you out and about town. Many people write very differently than they speak but when I read your blog, I can hear your voice. You write just as you talk to someone. So glad you're enjoying your new "now" moments. If you get a long weekend, go camping up by Tahoe, turn left into Plumas county instead of right down into Tahoe. You'll be camping at about 12-13,000 feet in some amazing country. Gold lake was one of my favorites.

  2. That is so awesome, Dirk! We have talked about Lake Tahoe camping so we will have to check that out! Thank you so much for your sweet message! I was actually speaking to a friend about you and Dana, the other day, and just sharing how blessed we have been by the community God has placed us in. We miss you guys, as well and are so thankful for your friendship and wisdom in our lives! Miss you and Love you! ;]
