Monday, October 14, 2013

Are you a dreamer...

Hmm...where to begin? It has been some time since I have been getting to this blogging business. So maybe I shall start by just stating what has been going on since I last wrote, purely because it would just take too long.
Daily life consists of working as a barista at From the Hearth, a local cafe, where I enjoy making tasty and lovely beverages and building community with the people that I share a workspace with.
Mike works during the weekdays, but is typically off at the same time as me so we enjoy having our evenings together. This is when I feel like I really get to expend my creative energies with making up meals for dinner and maybe even dessert if I'm feeling it.
When I am not at work during the week, I wake up and go to the Prayer Chapel for some time to reboot.
I like to roll down the windows and take drives on unfamiliar roads to soak in the new scenery and the lovely colors of this Fall season.
Next, I might go back to the house and play a game of catch with our roommates' dog, Cash. He could do that all day long. Unfortunately, I cannot.
Also, I have been spending time putting together a project for my nephew-to-be-born on October 28th, if he doesn't come sooner. Kids these days just cannot seem to wait.
And no, I am not giving any hints as to what this project might be in the event that my sister is reading this, but it would be suiting for a baby. That is all I will say on the subject.
As for the rest of my time, I like to spend it dreaming.
I dream about the possibilities in creativity, about writing books, and sewing clothes, and painting murals, and writing more music, and picking up my violin so that I may play Classical again. I also like to imagine that I could begin to dance. I was not the little girl who took ballet classes, instead, I played kickball.
However, I cannot help but want to move whenever I hear the rhythm of music. My whole family seems to be this way. Some should join in more than others...just kidding...or am I?
My mom and I used to enjoy watching the show Bunheads, which btw what happened to that?!
We were very let down when it seemed to discontinue.
Maybe it was because it brought out much of the feelings of simplicity of a small town that I enjoyed about Gilmore Girls or because they were both created by Amy Sherman-Palladino or because I always get Carole King stuck in my head when I watch either...
Whatever the case, it seems that whenever I am observing others being diligent about a craft, such as music or dance, it stirs something within me to believe that I can do that, too.
Though I feel that if I were to join a dance class now, I would be surrounded by either 5-year-olds or those past 80... Oh well, I don't suppose I have been one to conform, anyways.
I also like to dream of having a big and bountiful garden that would sustain us with seasonal produce.
Then, there is this distant, yet not-so-distant, dream of creating my own Patch Adams-esque counseling cafe. My degree is in Counseling and Human Services, because I believe this is a lifestyle, but simply put I could never be a "shrink." I certainly am not downing anyone who's profession is a Therapist.
I just know that it is not me.
Rather, I would like to create a cafe that speaks as if the door is open.
A place where the atmosphere would be to nourish physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
A place where the weary could come to purely find solace.
I dream of traveling further.
I dream of growing a family that prospers in health, in every way.
I dream of expression.
Simply, I dream.

While my heart is laden with desires and my mind runs eager to create, I also know that good comes to those who wait.
So maybe that is all I have to share for now.
I shall share other ventures on the next post, until then,
may dreams awaken.

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