Saturday, August 3, 2013

This week in review.

   Okay Okay.. So I said I would write everyday and well.... it has been about a week. But, a good and productive week, which only means that I have so much goodness to share! Thus, I am taking this lazy Saturday morning to write to you.

      We have been in California for 2 weeks and 1 day, now, and- I'll be honest- it's been a bit of a roller coaster. For some reason, I had to remind myself that we were on an adventure (my husband and I, not my other personality). It takes faith to just load up your car and drive across the country, only trusting that the Lord has a plan. So we did just that and enjoyed our trip. However, once we got here, I started fearing for no good reason (being there is no good reason to fear). Somewhere in my head, I had stored the idea that it was faith enough to drive across the country, but once here, we were on our own. Well, I will go ahead and say that is BOGUS (Cali vocab for the day)! It was only fear that had caused me to put on this perspective when that simply needed to change. The beautiful thing with God is that He means His words and they never change. So I had to make a decision to let go of control (the product of fear) and trust that my Father has a plan to prosper me (Jeremiah 29: 11).
      And funny thing is, just that happened! He brought me a peace that surpasses all understanding and reminded me of the word to be planted in the season that you are in (Jeremiah 17:7). Since then, I have been able to see the area for something beautiful (seeing as I am biased to Georgia and all it's greenness and its a bit less green here). Mike and I even went to put in job applications and resumés and heard many encouraging words in return and my heart has felt excited and at rest. This is the fruit that we get to bear in simply trusting the hand of the Good and Perfect Father and being His Beloved children.
You see, it was not faith to drive here, for that is is trust in the car's ability to function properly. It is faith to continue and not give up and believe that He who started a Good work will finish it (Philippians 1:6).
      I share this process with you so that you may also be encouraged in wherever you are. Once I put on a new perspective I was able to embrace the opportunities around me and continue to move forward in this adventure, and an adventure it has been. Though I have been sorting through these matters in my heart, I have been exploring all the beautiful nature that is around me with my husband and my older brother. In addition, I have, of course, been spending much time cooking up some fun meals. We have, also, decided to set up camp at my brothers, during this time, and have been spending the past couple of days making our room a bit homey! Thus, I have posted these lovely photos for your own enjoyment, along with the meals and cooking endeavors of this week! 

      As good ole' C.S. Lewis would write, "Further up and further in!"

On the first day here, my brother brought us to the beautiful Whiskytown Lake, where we found our own little secret cove! 
Yes, this is a lake and not the ocean. 

On a lovely Sunday evening, we went for a walk at the Sundial Bridge, which is an attraction for the area. Not to mention, the massive spider community that lives under it! Sorry to you arachnid lovers, but I did not capture an image of this oddity and there are no pictures that could convey it's ginormity!
 The sunset over the Sacramento River, which runs under the bridge.  
Did I mention the bridge is made of glass?!

Here is a lazy, yet so satisfying breakfast that I love to make. For the two of us, I simply toast 4 slices of gluten free bread (I recommend Rudi's Original!), spread on some Earth Balance Coconut Butter and Almond Butter (or whatever nut butter you like... that's always weird to say/write), then slice up one banana and divide it between the 4 slices of toast and sprinkle on some cinnamon or drizzle on some honey... or both, because-let's be honest- the two were made to go together!  
He loves it! I promise his mouth is just full and he is not about to spit it out.

 I always love breakfast for dinner, so I decided to do a quick quiche! I actually had to call my mom for a little help on this one, because she always makes a great quiche.
For the crust, I used 1 1/2 cups white rice flour ( I use Bob's Red Mill), 1 egg, 1/2 cup cubed, cold Earth Balance Coconut Butter, 2-4 Tbsp of cold water, and 1/2 tsp salt (I use pink Himilayan because it is pretty and good for you!) I mix the dough into a ball then place in the fridge to chill, while I preheat the oven to 375 F and mix the egg filing.
For the filling, I mix 1/2 cup vegan cheese (I use Follow Your Heart Mozzarella, the best vegan cheese for melting and texture) with 1-2 Tbsp. gf flour, then add in 5 eggs and scramble, and whatever veggies you would like (I used about 1 1/2 cups sliced mushrooms and 1 cup spinach).
Once the oven is preheated, I take out the dough and place it in my pie dish and begin to flatten it, pressing it from the center out to the edges (a round glass cup works well for this part). Once the crust is pressed, I poke holes in the bottom with a fork to prevent air bubbles and bake in the oven for approximately 6 minutes.  After the time is up, I remove the crust and pour in the filling and place bake in the oven to cook for about 20 more minutes. You are really just watching to make sure the egg sets up and is cooked all the way through. All there is left to do is slice it and enjoy with friends!

 Now, for more adventures in the outdoors. This is mainly what fills our weeks, other than hanging with friends, looking for jobs, and getting connected with the community (which I guess is a lot ;]).
This is an awesome creek that is the result of snow melt, thus, it is pretty chilly. But on a 107 degree day, 60 degree water feels amazing! So we like to visit this spot and see how far up the stream we can hike. Although there are many big rocks to watch out for, because I have already bruised my knee twice! But I'm a peach.
 It's breakfast time again! This means one of my favorites- Breakfast quinoa! This is so easy and a great substitute for heavy grains or if you are sensitive to oats.
I use about 1/4 cup for one serving, so I measure out 1/2 cup for Mike and I, unless I am getting my meat-and-cheese older brother to join us. I believe I am having some success in winning him over with healthy stuff, mainly because I do the cooking and he is not one to complain over a cooked meal.
To prepare the quinoa, I simply follow the package instructions, but since it is working as a sort of oatmeal substitute, I add in about 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1 Tbsp. honey, because they go together ;] (or pure maple syrup), and 1/4 tsp pure vanilla. I also have used dates diced up and added, while it is cooking, to sweeten the quinoa. Because it is a grain, quinoa really absorbs much of the flavors that you cook it in, while still keeping an earthy-ness about it. I love the smell of breakfast quinoa cooking in the morning with all the spices simmering together!
Once the quinoa is cooked (takes approx. 12-15 minutes simmering on low heat), I add whatever fresh fruit I have on hand, like blueberries and banana, including fun toppings like dried cranberries and coconut, then I just pour some unsweetened almond milk over top and dig in!

Now, off to go job hunting!

 While out, we dropped off a resumé at this really neat coffee shop called Coffee Bar ( and, of course, ordered an iced soy latte! I try to avoid soy, because it is not so very good for you, but I think it's okay to treat yourself with a yummy coffee sometimes! 
This place reminds me much of an Octane or Safehouse Coffee experience, for those of you in Georgia. 

Now, for dinner time! Mike is lending a hand by draining and rinsing white beans for our gluten free pasta (I recommend using brown rice noodles for their nutritional value and they maintain a taste and texture much like regular glutenous noodles)!
 Oh yeah! I am cooking away at some zucchini, onions, garlic, and spinach to be added into our pasta!
For the sauce/dressing, I keep it light by mixing 1/2 cup olive oil with 1 clove garlic, minced, and 1 lemon, juiced. Then, I add in about 1/4 cup liquid aminos (I use Bragg's brand) and 1/4 cup nutritional yeast seasoning, which gives a nutty and cheesy flavoring to the pasta. Voila!

Often times for lunch, we like to keep it light by having a little snacky of mixed nuts or fruit with a yummy protein shake! This one seriously tastes like a cool vanilla latte.
This is so simple. I just pour into each cup-
1 cup coconut milk and 1/2 cup almond milk (unsweetened), 
1/2 cup chilled coffee
1 scoop of Vega vanilla protein powder,
a dash of cinnamon, 1 tsp honey, and 1 tsp vanilla
and SHAKE!
 (having a whisk ball makes a big difference!)

This past Sunday night, I decided to experiment with some lentils. 
The process looked something like this (below). 
I prepared the lentils according to the package instructions, then decided to sauté up some veggies to serve alongside, in addition to some savory roasted sweet potatoes.
For the sweet potatoes, I simply slice them like so below. If you can't see, the are halved lengthwise, then sliced into wedges.
I preheat the oven to 425 F, toss the potatoes in some evoo and sprinkle on some salt and cinnamon. I cook these for 15 mins on one side, then flip them and cook another 5-10 mins.
 For the veggies, I marinated some cremini mushrooms in 1/4 cup evoo, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, and 1/4 cup liquid aminos, 1 garlic clove, minced, and pepper, to taste.
I sauteed 1/2 a yellow onion (sliced), 2 small zucchini (halved and sliced), 2 cups mushrooms (marinated approx. 15 mins), 1 clove garlic (minced), and about 1 cup spinach (chopped) added towards the end. 
 Bon Appetit!

 Here is the lovely view of the sun setting over the Cascade Mountains, in the distance, on one evening's walk with my love.

 And back to the lake we go, except we found a new beachy-lookin spot this time!

Here is another rendition of Breakfast quinoa with all you need to snazz it up! This time we used bluberries, bananas, farm-fresh peaches, dried cranberries and dressed it up all fancy with some chia seeds, ground flax seeds, shredded coconut (unsweetened), cinnamon, and more honey! mmhmm!

On this night, we decided to keep it simple for dinner by cooking up some organic butternut squash soup (Imagine brand), though the mister had tomato, and grilling up some vegan grilled cheese! I used the Follow Your Heart cheddar and added some spinach for added goodness! 

Now, I have something special for you! Yesterday, we were working around the house setting up our rooms and such, and my brother had Jack Johnson playing and it really got me craving some banana pancakes! So I did a little research and rummaging around the kitchen and came up with this delicious and EASY gluten free version of banana pancakes. I have listed the ingredients and steps, below!
This is all you will need:
1 banana, 2 eggs, 1 Tbsp. unsweetened, shredded coconut, 1 Tbsp.  ground flax seed (optional),
1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice, 1/4 tsp. pure vanilla, and 1 Tbsp. Earth Balance coconut butter (for the pan).

Step 1: Mash the banana!
Step 2: add the eggs and mix!
Step 3: add the coconut and spices and mix!

This is what your batter should look like. Then, melt the butter, pour into the pan, flip after 2-3 mins!
 Oh my! The kitchen was filled with the marrying scents of pumpkin pie and fresh banana bread!
 Next, I whipped up some special almond butter topping to jazz it up. Of course, you can use honey or maple or nothing at all, they really are that good! But for me, I upped the anty!
For the topping, all you need is: 
2 Tbsp. almond butter, 1 Tbsp. honey, 1/4 cup of coconut milk, and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon!
Simply add the ingredients, warm it up so it gets melty, and top those cakes! 

 Now, my craving has been satiated!

Off to get that room in order! After finally unloading our car completely, we went to organizing and getting our new space in shape! It is not much, but it is home for this next season, plus we have a bathroom! 

And that was our week, in review! I hope you enjoyed and if you have any questions, regarding recipes and whatnot, just message away. Until next time! (I feel like Mr. Rogers used to say that...)

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